18 - 24 August

Sat: Up to London with Nigel to see C&L's new flat in Caledonian Road.  Lots of trains!

Sun: Cycled to C&L's for afternoon tea and back.  Hot day, but not as sunny as forecast.  108km in 5:21 but only 1150m climbing:

Mon: G duties, relax with Jon then take him to the airport at 6pm.
 Nice lunch
Tue: Tour of Surry Hills, the route of the Audax last Sunday that I couldn't do.  Drove to Shere leaving at 7am.  116km in 6:20hr on bike with 2,200m climbing, gosh it felt like that!

Had nice lunch in tea shop in Shere,  V. nice countrtside, lots of views.

Wed: Rob was picking up my bike to take to Spain, so had to clean and pack it, plus load up a rucsac for the walking week.  Then cleared out some books for Nigel, pottered around.  Seemed to loose a day as I thought it was Tuesday.

Thu: Got out old steel white bike and early ride to JJs Cafe.  Puncture in Chalfont St Giles from a very small flint.  Good tea and bacon sandwich, then home feeling a bit weary , only 39km in just over 2 hours with 450m climbing:
Spent afternoon prepping the No 2 bike (alu giant - it doesn't have as low gearing as the modified Charge Juicer but that should be a good test!)

Fri: Packed clothes etc, need to be prepared for any weather, keeping adding more options, this is getting silly, far too much being taken.  G to hair, pick her and N up after coffee.  Wait in for parcel delivery.  Final checkout of bike, adjust saddle height since I changed the saddle yesterday.  Syced myself up for the next days rides.

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