27 Nov - 2 Dec

Sat -  Time for the annual 'big push' up to Harlequin for Xmas shopping with Granny & Nigel.  Mrs M was very controlled and keep enthusiastic with the delights of buying presents.  I wandered around with Nigel and let him trample over WH Smiths and Waterstones for hours.  My biggest moan is why can't M&S sort out their order/paying process in their coffee shop?  Every other coffee shop manages to do it, yet M&S has a single queue with complete lack of accountability for who is doing what behind the counter.  And no manager to complain to.  Then lunch back at Darvells.  What can I say, we survived for another year.

In evening, Line Dancing with Choir, great fun.  Chatted to nice people who normally I only see the back of their heads on a Tuesday night.  BYO so a bottle of red wine made the evening go even better.

Sun - Met Nigel at Rootz for coffee and ST Culture read.  W1D5 40R, where I ran down to Chess and up back through CW House, bright sunshine, clear sky and refreshing breeze.  A joy to be out.

Wrapped up some Xmas presents.  Planned how the TV in the bedroom is to be fixed on wall, and cables to be routed.  In evening, meal at Sathi with Georgina.

Mon - W2D1 26S53C, swam first thing (after I defrosted the car, it stayed low temperatures all day), then spin class at lunchtime.  Went fine.  Cabled in TV in bedroom with clever use of ducting, even if I say so myself.  Mrs M was doctoring till 11pm so ate late, and too much in one go, so felt bloated.

Tue - W2D2 26R, much warmer than yesterday, but blustery autumn day, ran round Common.  Cut down branch of tree overhanging our garden.  Choir in evening where I told them I couldn't do the Xmas concert, so I will stop practices now.  Still, have Messiah in RAH on 15&16 Dec to look forward to.  Dr M out for dinner with drug company and overseas visitors.

Wed - W2D3 35S70C.  Missed getting to swim in morning.  Weather was glorious - clear, sunny, cold, so togged up and went for a longish cycle to Hemel B&Q for plasterboard plugs, Chesham to see Nigel at the Endeavour Centre, and dropped into H's for a pit stop and building site inspection.  28 miles in I guess about 2 hours cycle time.
Back for hotub, then put up TV on the bedroom wall, job done.

Thu - W2D4 35R, but as I did a cycle yesterday, I shifted it round and ran to gym (2.6k in 20 mins), had a 35min swim, then ran/jogged/walked back (2.6k in 25mins).  So over the 2 days its been the same.

In evening, went to Alyesbury Waterside Theatre to see the broadcast live of the NT play 'Collaborators'.  Very engrossing play, funny lines but at the end you see the steel single mindedness behind Stalin's lack of humanity.  The camera angles and lighting was fantastic, you didn't feel like you were watching a cinema screen, it was like you were there and could swoop in closeup to the actors.  It was great to see their facial expressions and hear their clear voices.  Will keep an eye out for future such showings, better and easier (and cheaper) than going up to London

Moscow, 1938. A dangerous place to have a sense of humour; even more so a sense of freedom. Mikhail Bulgakov, living among dissidents, stalked by secret police, has both. And then he’s offered a poisoned chalice: a commission to write a play about Stalin to celebrate his sixtieth birthday.
Inspired by historical fact, Collaborators embarks on a surreal journey into the fevered imagination of the writer as he loses himself in a macabre and disturbingly funny relationship with the omnipotent subject of his drama.
Killing my enemies is easy. The challenge is to change the way they think, to control their minds. And I think I controlled yours pretty well. In years to come, I’ll be able to say: Bulgakov? Yeah, we even trained him. He gave up. He saw the light. We broke him, we can break anybody. It’s man versus monster, Mikhail. And the monster always wins.
John Hodge’s blistering new play depicts a lethal game of cat and mouse through which the appalling compromises and humiliations inflicted on any artist by those with power are held up to scrutiny.
Alex Jennings plays Bulgakov and Simon Russell Beale, Stalin.
Fri - W2D5 44S88C - the long sessions - swam first thing, did 2k in about 50mins, but I lost count on my laps!.  Walked to vill for shopping to give frost and ice on ground a chance to melt, then into cycle gear.  It was still cold, but the sun was out and the sky clear.  Almost fully togged up (skin hat under helmet, 2 layer on top, full leggings, sealskin gloves).  14 miles into Watford to buy some coffee beans from Starbucks where it was 50% off (I was told but it was signed) so I bought them out of expresso decaf (3 bags).  On way back the clouds came over and it felt damn cold, so needed the hot tub to recover.  Need to put on windproof jacket next time.

19 - 25 Nov

Sat - Stayed last night at C&L's after Quiz Night.  Came back in time to take G&N to John Fisher's Xmas fair, and then into M&S in Ricky.  Mrs M went into London for Helen's hen party, whilst I cleared up some leaves.  Ran into vill for exercise and some shopping. Relaxing evening watching Seven Years in Tibet on telly.

Sun - Lazy day.  L&J came over for lunch/afternoon.  We took her back in the fog to Newbury, then went out to Sathi's for curry with Jon.

Mon - It seems a long time since Mrs M was Dr M and off to work.  Up for lunch making.  Big start today of the Tri program.  Its a volume plan, increasing by 10% a week with week 4s dropping back by 40%, then week 5 starting at week 3 level.  Each week has a short, medium and long session of swim, cycle, run, then a rest day. Cycle times are twice the swim times.  All quite computable and simple ??

First one is swim 24mins and cycle 48mins (I'll abbreviate to S24C48).  Managed this at lunchtime at William Penn, after swim (which I didn't push but just see how it went) went into spin class with Kelly which was a good routine, time went quickly and I sweated, but I find the music too loud, maybe I'll take ear plugs next time?

G popped round to show me her haircut.  Nice.

Tue - W1D2 - Today its a run for 24 mins i.e. R24.  I'm going after sun rises, its misty and dampish.  It was wet and muddy and slippery on the Common, so I looped back along the path.  Walked twice to vill for shopping during day, it got greyer and more dismal, quite depressing not helped by it being 2 years since Mum died.

Walked to choir in evening - not sure if I am doing the concert on 10th Dec, but am enjoying the practices.

Wed - W1D3 (S32C64).  Went to 45mins spin class (OK) then 45 mins Abs which was awful, I ached and found it really difficult, I am so inflexible.  Changed and 32 mins swim which relaxed me so I ended up feeling invigorated by it all.  When got back, blew the leaves of the front of Darvells Yard, my good deed for the day.

This exercise regime is tough and relentless...maybe I'll slow it down and take more rest days?

Thu - Up late, down to vill with Mrs M for Rootz, then out for afternoon tea with G&P, C&L at Waddesdon Manor, with short tour of East Wing (slightly tacky Xmas decor), to finish with a drink at the 5 Feathers.  Big thanks to P(arker) for driving mi'lady.

Fri - W1D4 was supposed to be 40S80C, but I went out for a 32R and then 60C around Little Chalfont via G&P's to trick up smelly cheese left in P's car last night....sorry Mr P!  Felt energised after cycle, so walked to vill for shopping, twice as I had forgotten an item.

In evening up to London to see Jerusalem - bit of a diatribe and not quite sure what was the point, but worth seeing, quite a few good jokes, but not a believable set of characters in total.

12 - 18 Nov

Sat - Rather an overdose of choral music today!  Extra rehearsal with Harrow Choral Society for most of day.  In evening went to St Albans Abbey to hear St Albans Bach Choir sing Rutter Magnificat and Requiem, the latter conducted by Rutter himself with very flamboyant gestures:

Sun - I wanted to see Drill at RMS so we queued up and got amazing seats on the stage for a great view:

Then walked to vill, met Nigel for coffee at Rootz, and walked back with him home. I mowed the lawn (last time this year?).  The usual delightful sunday dinner at Sathi's:
Mon - Up early for final run W9R3 (30 mins 4.17 km peace 7.12 k/min - not as fast as last ones, yet it seemed OK when running, just shows you can't trust ones senses).  Now off to apply some sealant at Thorpedale (good deed of the day), then off to Norfolk!!!!!!  Excited.

Excitement delivered, with Chicken Pie and much wine.

Tue, Wed, Thur - A fantastic few days in Norfolk, with Branson doing the driving.  His pictures tell it all:

Twitching on Cley dyke
Look - no ground contact @ Fakenham races, I come away £12 better off
Early seafood dinner thanks to Colin and TripAdvisor at Ye Olde Forge, Thursford 

Highlight of the trip - Thursford Xmas Spectacle, and what a spectacle it was

Mist over Burnham Staithe
Off we tramp to see the seals

Gill still looking for seals 
Best foot forward off the dunes
Sun set over Burnham Staithe

Cromer groynes after cliff walk, tea and bacon sarnie
Then to Cambridge for dinner with E&M and P&M, 38 years on!

5 - 11 Nov

Sat - W8R2 (28mins 4.05km - the first time I managed an average of just less than 7min K's!).  Followed by hot tub with Mrs M and Jan.  Yard chain gang for maintenance, gravel smoothing and leaf removal.  Walked down to vill for shopping (books for Guy, age 11, in Saudi) and snack at Morgans Deli, previously known as Brown Sugar, previously known as Marcellos.

Bonfire party at No 7, great food and fun.  Too much red wine.

Sun - Jon's 25th birthday.  Cooked mixed grill brunch, then drove into London for afternoon tea at The One, Aldwych.

Mon - Up at crack ro get off the funeral party to Stansted and myself to take Jan to LHR.  When back went for 8WR3 (28mins, 4.4km, 6.45 pace, fastest yet, felt good). Then walked down to vill for quick shop in drizzle.  Mrs M called to say that Easyjet had diverted to Prestwick because of fog.  Eventually they got to EDI and to the service just in time for the key bits.

In evening went with G & G (P was ill) to see Janet Seidel at memorial hall.  The warm up acts were a little self indulgent, but Janet and her trio were excellent, smooth lounge room vocal easy listening.


Funeral party got back at 11:30 after a draining day.

Tue - Jon & Nadia stayed last night so we went to Rootz and Morgans Deli for a lunch drink/snack.  Electric wall fire arrived and I put it up in study - very good flame effect.

Walked to choir in evening, started Xmas songs, a big change from Bach B Minor Mass, and lots of harmony and cappella.

Wed - Dr M decided to go to a meeting at work.  W9R1 (30mins 4.3 km 6.58 mins/k) Slower than past run but 30 mins didn't feel too bad whereas when I started the program it would not have been possible.  Only 1 week to go, then I start the Olympic Tri program!!!

Went to IKEA to buy a chest of drawers, good experience as I was early.  Then to dump to dispose of cardboard and other recycling.  G&P popped over for tea, buns and chat.   Now to Watersmeet with Eddie & Shirley (plus Nigel) to see Anything Goes performed by the Masonic School.

Great show, and by and Amazing Coincidence starring the granddaughter of a cousin of Mrs M (cousin twice removed?) who was amazingly good.

Thu - Exciting morning blowing leaves around the garden.  Walked into vill in afternoon with Mrs M for Rootz and shopping.

Fri - Grey, drizzly and generally damp.  W9R2 (30mins, 4.35k @ 6.56min/k) - marginally faster than previous run.  Only one run to go then its a week of consolidate (we we are going away to Norfolk) then start Olympic Tri program.

Electrical work around house - changed dimmer switch in kitchen for push on/off, fitted socket in bathroom for hair dryer (not exactly building regs).  Walked to vill to buy a birthday card for Jamie, found one with Olympic theme.

Out to dinner at Georgina's with G&P, sapling her new kitchen: