21 - 27 April

Sat: Usual rubbish weather, no exercise

Sun: Ditto, but had big lunch for family & Jon

Mon: Ditto, picked up Jessi from LHR who is staying with us for 10 days.  Walked to vill for coffee, thats all.

Booked various bits on the interweb.

Tue: Ditto weather, but anyway first thing went for a run round Common in the drizzle (along golf links, round bridleway, then zigged along fire breaks).  8.1km in 1hr 1min.  Slow, but I didn't stop, felt OK, and shoes were fine, no probe with feet or big toe.

Wed:  Wettest day ever.  Crown Jewels, Matilda Musical and dinner at Bob Bob Richard (with Jon).  Excellent day out, it a bit wet.

Thu:  Common walk in morning, Chienes Manor in afternoon - great gardens and tulips.

Fri: Picked up at 6am by Roger to drive down to Itchenor to help crew him across to Lymington.

Set off at 9am under power and out of river across the Chicester Bar with quite big swells and increasing winds to 25 knots.  Up with sails and a blustery passage with a couple of rain squalls, I did most of the helming whilst Roger played with trimming sails.  A bit of sunshine in the afternoon, but still cold.  Into Lymington at 3pm, caught train up to London to meet C& Jessi to see Ballet Revolution at Peacock Theatre - very energetic show.

Learnt I need to be well wrapped up for the passage to Bordeaux next week!

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