2 - 9 Feb

Sat:  Bodypump for both of us at 8:30, good session through Cherry said I didn't do all the right postures!  Weather sunny at last.  "Popped" to Guildford to give G&N a day out.  Used their Shopmobility electric assisted wheelchair, brilliant.  Good value lunch at Loch Fyne.

Sun: Weather back to cloudy and cold.  Managed 50 balls each at the driving range till hands froze, then coffee at Rootz, picked up G&N for Sunday roast lunch, and generally lazed around for the rest of the day. Played with re-arranging lounge, too much clutter to make much of difference!

Mon: Clear and sunny start to day, so ran (slowly) to WP and tried Body Conditioning class - easier than MetaFit, more like step/aerobics, but no weights like Body Pump.  Jogged/walked back.  V.nice in the sunshine, but then got cloudy as day progressed.  Route (2.6km) :
Tue:  Brompton into London to meet Mike S for pub lunch and hear how Investcorp is getting on...just the same it seems!!!!  Went to Covent Garden to try and get cracked mug replaced, now have to plead lack of credit card voucher so I emailed a copy of my statement instead.  On way over to Mayfair, got £30 fine for cycling on the pavement near Piccadilly!!!!!!!  Silly - I could have stayed on the bus lane, but it said "bus only" so thought it wasn't allowed, moved onto an empty pavement apart from 2 ladies in blue anoraks hiding their yellow jackets who very nicely gave me a fixed penalty.

Back home backed a sultana and cherry cake, don't know what all the fuss and mystic is about cake making (maybe will when I taste it!):
Made Michel Roux's red onion, fennel & chilli tartin, fabulous:
Wed:  Took car to Toyota service and cycled back, 5.3 miles, it was very cold and my fingers got chilled.  Not pleasant with the traffic and potholes and puddles, but nice to be out in the sun before it got overcast.
Better going back as its more downhill and I used our best SeakSkin gloves, but still chilly!.  Cooked a lemon drizzle cake:
Walked down to vill for shopping, nice to be bundled up and warm in the cold wind.
Read Francis Report, I think it was too long and repetitive and not well structured.  David Nicholson should resign, he has the leader at Staffs and then the NHS throughout all this, and as Francis says "its a truism that an organisations culture takes it from the leader".  So how can Nicholson change the NHS culture?  Its not that he would be a scapegoat and just getting rid of him would make it all right, but he was accountable for the disaster and the systemic culture, and implementing the recommendations would then be seen to be more likely without him than with him.

Thu: Sunny bit cold morning.  Dr M was free in the morning, so we fitted in a driving range and 6 holes of golf, the I went to 'Abs Fab' and Metafit, which made me feel distinctly unfit.  Overcast again.  Popped G into Watford to pick up her new glasses in the afternoon.  Baked a fruit loaf:

Out tonight to HHFT Consultants annual dinner at Buckinghamshire Golf Club Denham Village, hoping for the first red wine since Friday night (I've be restricting myself to two long drinks a night e.g. cinzano and soda, G&T, Pernod & water).
Fri: Well, as suspected, too much red wine last night.  Up early to get lift with Dr M to Denham to pick up car.  Then Granny hair etc.  To T5 at 2pm to pick up Jon.  In evening, out to Rex to see Life of Pi...yawn.

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