6 - 14 Dec

Thu: Lots of washing, clearing up

Fri: Took G&N down to Chorleywood Xmas street festival.
Santa in Poores

Then the Bordeaux Sailors, R&C and C&J, came round for dinner and stayed the night due to too much red wine

Sat:  All went over to R&C's stately apartment in Hertford for a nosey look around to how the other half lives, then us poor people came home.

Sun: I got out Xmas tree and decorations and started to pretend I was in a festive mood.  G&N round for lunch, not much else possible.

Mon: Dr M back to doctoring.  Spin at WP.    In evening went to Highgate for Messiah rehearsal - went well except for the last Amen where we were tired - on the night the atmosphere and adrenaline kicks in to make it better.

Tue: Spin and choir in evening.  Next Saturday's Xmas sing will be mostly sight reading by me!

Wed:  Frost looking nice on the Common.  Spin class.

Thu:  More frost.  New TV arrived so spent the morning with an erection, wires and the manual.
Out to Tamarind Thai for the usual excellent dinner
Empty plates

Fri: NHS Governor induction training day, then straight to RAH for Messiah.  Sublime.
Where's Wally?

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Glad you are all up to date at last! Dubai looks like a lovely family week....what's treat!


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